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суббота, 10 сентября 2016 г.

Sriracha Maple Miso Butter Grilled Corn

Grilled corn on the cob is one of the best things in summer! It's so amazingly good all by
itself and even better slathered up in butter and sprinkled with salt! Of course Mexican street corn (elote), is always a great alternative! The sweet and salty combo of miso and butter on corn is also fabulous where miso is a Japanese style salty fermented bean paste.
Sriracha Maple Miso Butter Grilled Corn

Sriracha Maple Miso Butter Grilled Corn

Grilled corn slathered in a sriracha, maple, miso butter; the perfect combination of sweet, salty and spicy and all sorts of buttery goodness!

  • 4 cobs corn in husks
  • 4 tablespoons butter, room temperature
  • 1 tablespoon white miso
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon lime juice
  • sriracha to taste
  1. Grill or bake the corn in a barbecue or oven at medium-high heat until tender, about 5-10 minutes, remove from heat, let cool, slide the corn from the husks and enjoy slathered in the mixture of the butter, miso, maple syrup and sriracha!

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