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воскресенье, 11 сентября 2016 г.

Toxins In Our Everyday Lives (video)

Ttac vid wolfe toxins

Video Transcript: Toxins In Our Everyday Lives

Ty: So Dr. Wolfe, I’m convinced based upon what you just told us that we’re all toxic to one degree or another. And detoxification is something that I believe now, based on this information, everybody needs to learn about detoxification. So, how do we detox?
Dr. Darrell Wolfe: I’d love to answer that question, but if I can just bring something up front first. When you say that we’re all toxic from one degree to another, I just want to say one thing. From one degree to another… are we crazy? Everybody showers in chlorinated water almost; almost everybody. One shower you can absorb 10 to 12 glasses worth of chlorine through your skin in one shower.
Most people drink chlorinated water. That destroys your digestive tract. That is one of the biggest things for creating cancer in the body. Just because it’s sanctioned. Do you understand that all the things that are killing us today are sanctioned by our government and kept hush by the medical system? Why is that Ty? That is true deception. We need to wake up.
The next thing is when we’re talking about water, why would anybody drink out of this? [holding up plastic bottle of water]
The PCBs in this are enough to kill you. I see people going to Costco and I see them loading up with three cases of this for the week. They’re actually paying money and they’re trying to lift these big cases up and their tummies are sticking out like they’re three months pregnant, and that’s the husband too. And they’re drinking this.
Did you ever open up a bottle and then take a drink and you can taste the plastic? Well, that’s your cancer fix. Now there’s cancer causing chemicals in this every time you open a bottle whether you taste it or not. So there’s the water.
Now why am I talking about water? Well, because Ty, you’re almost 80% water. And you know what? Water’s really important. The next thing is most people eat out of packages, plastics.
The other thing is everybody’s got Wi-Fi in their homes now Ty. And whether you believe this or not WiFi is going to bring people down. We need to hard wire our computers.
That’s toxicity going in, creating acidity as well, so. And then the foods we eat are mainly packaged. If you don’t eat live foods that a high vibration, then you can never become a high vibrational being. You cannot have the energy you want. Dead foods create death. Live foods create life. We just want to stick to logic.
Now when it comes to cleansing, you know how Ty, remember how Norman Walker, Bernard Jensen, they would do like a really deep cleanse every three months and they’d do it for like two weeks to three weeks? Guess what? You can’t do that today. And I can prove it.
If you do a deep cleanse like your spring cleanse or do a deep cleanse every few months, it’s devastating to the human body because most of us, our immune systems are being attacked every day. So our immune systems are always low.
So what happens is is when you go and you do a detox and you go into a deep detox where you’re taking all kinds of nutritionals and you do a fast, it’s like a dam. You’ve been holding all this back and then all of a sudden what happens? You release all these chemicals all at once.
And when you release those chemicals your body’s overloaded, all those chemicals get to go around and they get to resettle in different places. If you want to be truly healthy Ty, you need to gently cleanse on a daily basis. Just like you need to have certain rules.
You don’t have to be a health nut. But you need to have certain rules that, “I am going to always reach for something that’s alive not dead. I am always going to reach for something that’s not packaged. I am always going to drink water that is structured and dynamic that will actually bring in a life force into my body.”

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