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суббота, 9 января 2016 г.

Chemotherapy Doesn’t Cure Cancer − It Causes It!

Chemotherapy, modern society’s “holy grail” of cancer treatment, is actually a product of
World War II chemical weapons programs. It emerged as an afterthought in the wake of many decades worth of failed cancer treatments using radiation and surgery. Eventually it became an adjunct to these protocols − a typified example of the “better living through chemistry” philosophy that swept the nation during the 1950s.
By pumping patients full of toxic chemicals, it was believed, cancer tumors wouldn’t stand a chance at survival. And for some types of cancer, it appeared as though this hypothesis was correct − at least to an extent, and in the short-term. Chemotherapy does, in fact, kill cancer cells. But it also kills healthy cells, along with a patient’s immune system and, really, anything else that crosses its path.
Truth be told, chemotherapy is the definition of a genotoxic treatment protocol, meaning it damages human DNA. And damaged DNA is a leading cause of cancer, as per the “mutational theory” of cancer that is widely accepted among scientists as the impetus behind cancer’s emergence and spread.
What this means is that when chemotherapy is introduced into a person’s body, it causes mutational changes to occur at the cellular level that actually promote the growth and spread of malignant cancer cells. Unlike the various selectively cytotoxic anti-cancer compounds found naturally in certain herbs and plants, non-selectively cytotoxic chemotherapy chemicals destroy both good and bad cells leaving aggressive cancer cells behind and leaving patients prone to more cancer.
The fact that many of the most popular chemotherapeutic drugs currently on the market are classified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as human carcinogens illustrates the backwards nature of conventional cancer treatment. Tamoxifen, for instance, one of the leading chemotherapy drugs used in the treatment of breast cancer, not only causes more cancer (along with more than 24 other deadly side effects), it is also often ineffective.

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