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четверг, 14 января 2016 г.

Berry pocket eggy bread

Berry pocket eggy bread
“Crunchy pistachios are super-high in the mineral chloride, which our bodies need to
make hydrochloric acid in the stomach, in turn aiding good digestion and keeping our gut happy ”


  • 2 large free-range eggs
  • 1 small ripe banana
  • ground nutmeg
  • ground cinnamon
  • 2 thick slices of seeded wholemeal bread
  • 150 g raspberries
  • olive oil
  • 20 g shelled pistachios
  • 4 heaped tablespoons fat-free natural yoghurt
  • manuka honey


In a blender, blitz the eggs, peeled banana, and 1 pinch each of nutmeg and cinnamon until smooth, then pour into a wide shallow bowl. Cut your bread 2½cm thick, then cut a slit into the longest side of each slice and wiggle your knife inside to make a pocket. Use your finger to stuff the raspberries inside – pack as many in as you can, but be gentle so you don’t tear the bread. Lay in the eggy mixture and gently squash the bread so it soaks up the eggs. 

Meanwhile, put a large non-stick frying pan on a medium-low heat with 1 teaspoon of oil, then wipe it around and out with kitchen paper. Pour half the excess egg mixture into one side of the pan, then place a piece of soaked bread on top to give it a lovely pancake layer. Repeat with the rest of the mixture and the other slice alongside it. Cook for 3 to 4 minutes, or until golden, then confidently flip over to cook for the same amount of time. Meanwhile, smash up the pistachios in a pestle and mortar – toast them first, if you like. 

Serve the eggy bread dolloped with yoghurt, sprinkled with pistachios and an extra pinch of cinnamon and drizzled with a little honey.


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