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вторник, 3 мая 2016 г.

Vertical Veg man: six of the best edible flowers

Vertical veg man edible flowers: borage
The good news is that if you like the idea of regularly using flowers in your cooking, or being
able to give bunches away to friends, it is easy to grow a supply for yourself in just a few containers.
Here are six of the best edible flowers for containers and small spaces.

1. Nasturtiums

Vertical veg man edible flowers: nasturtiums
The undisputed monarch of edible flowers is the nasturtium. It adds a tasty, slightly spicy kick to salads, a pleasing crunch, and a gorgeous orange or yellow colour. A couple of plants will provide you with a continuous stream of flowers over a month or two.
And, as the famous Mrs Beaton said about them in the 1800s: “When the beautiful blossoms, which may be employed with great effect in garnishing dishes, are off, then the fruit may be pickled.” Pickle the young green seeds in vinegar and they taste a bit like capers. The young leaves are tasty and pretty, too, with a hot, mustardy kick – add them in moderation to salads.
Nasturtiums usually grow fairly easily. The biggest challenge can be that cabbage white caterpillars and aphids love to eat them, too. Pick caterpillars off and squish aphids as soon as you see them – or your nasturtiums may disappear over night.

2. Borage

Vertical veg man edible flowers: borage
The flowers can be added to summer drinks and fruit salads, and you can make your ice cubes the object of culinary curiosity by adding borage flowers. The young leaves are also supposed to be edible, though I wouldn’t recommend them – I’ve tried eating them several times but have always found them rather bristly. Nevertheless, I make sure I have at least one borage plant in my container garden every year.

3. Pot marigolds (Calendula)

Vertical veg man edible flowers: pot marigold
These cheery orange flowers glow amongst the green salad leaves in my container garden. Strip the golden orange petals off pot marigolds to add colour and a mild tangerine bite to salads.

4. Courgette and squash flowers

Both courgette and squash flowers are delicious stuffed, or added at the last minute to risottos, adding colour and flavour. You can deep fry them to make tempura flowers, too. A chef who attended one of my food growing workshops in London told me he had to pay around £2 for one courgette flower. As one courgette plant may produce several dozen flowers, it can be a valuable crop.

5. Violas

Violas do not have as much flavour as some flowers, but they are special for their ability to keep producing a supply of flowers into late autumn and even winter in warmer years, brightening up salads in the gloomiest months.

6. Chives

Vertical veg man edible flowers: chives
Chive flowers are an elegant way to add onion flavour to a dish. They have a pleasing crunch, too. Bees love chive flowers and of course the long thin leaves have many uses in the kitchen. An indispensible plant in the container garden.

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