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вторник, 12 января 2016 г.

Egg-Free Mayonnaise Recipe (soy-free, vegan)

 This recipe uses soaked cashews along with a few other ingredients. It has such an
amazing consistency and flavor. I think it will remind you of traditional mayonnaise! I've been making a lot of cabbage and veggie slaws with it lately. You can also use it to make chicken salad or spread it onto gluten-free bread for a sandwich.

Cashews are a fabulous source of antioxidants and monounsaturated fats! I think they might be my favorite nut. I find them easier to digest compared to other nuts. Cashews are also a good source of magnesium, a mineral that easily gets depleted when we are under stress....and who isn't experiencing some level of stress these days!

Egg-Free Mayonnaise

You will need a high-powered blender such as a Vitamix to make this recipe. I like to store it in a wide-mouthed mason jar. You can keep it in your refrigerator for about 2 weeks.

1 cup raw cashews, soaked for about 3 hours
1/4 cup water
2 tablespoons raw apple cider vinegar
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon yellow mustard powder
3/4 to 1 teaspoon sea salt
6 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

Place the cashews into a bowl and cover them with filtered water. Let them soak on your counter for about 3 hours. Then rinse and drain.

Add the soaked cashews, water, vinegar, lemon juice, mustard powder, and sea salt to your high-powered blender. Blend until thick and creamy. Then add the olive oil and blend until combined. You will want to keep blending until it is ultra smooth. You may need to stop the blender, stir it, and then blend again.

Use a small spatula or spoon to scoop the mayo into a jar. Place into your refrigerator to chill. It will thicken slightly once it chills. 

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