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вторник, 14 апреля 2020 г.

Easy White Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

A delicious, light and airy banana bread with white chocolate chips, the perfect snack to enjoy with a cup of tea or coffee.

Easy White Chocolate Chip Banana Bread [Vegan]


  • 3 cups of large ripe bananas
  • 1 cup of golden caster sugar
  • 3/5 cups of dairy-free milk
  • 3 cups of self-raising flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ground nutmeg
  • Dairy-free chocolate chips


  1. Preheat the oven to 360ºF and line a baking tin with greaseproof paper.
  2. Peel, chop and place the bananas into a mixing bowl and mash until a paste.
  3. Add in the sugar milk, ground cinnamon, ground nutmeg and combine.
  4.  Fold in the flour in 3 stages until fully combined.
  5. Fold in the chocolate chips.
  6. Pour the mixture into the lined tin.
  7. Optional- Add some chocolate chip on top.
  8. Bake for 70 minutes.

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